In 2021, a group of friends organized a challenge between their respective football tailgates called the Cy/Hawk Tab Off: PULLING TOGETHER and have held it annually each year since. They collect tabs and monetary donations throughout the year, and at the final football game, a party is hosted to weigh the tabs, collect the final donations and give out the trophy to the winning group.
This year, the Hawkeyes were named Tab Off Champions with a total of 290.5 pounds of pop tabs! The grand total of both group's collections was 466.58 pounds! That's a lot of pop tabs! Take a look at the chart below to see how the numbers have significantly grown throughout the years. The fundraiser is continuing in 2024 and we can't wait to see the growth yet again this year!
What fun way to come together and pull for the House! Congrats team Hawkeyes!