The Jennings-Mullett Family
March 10, 2023

Roy and Kentlie from Bloomfield, IA stayed at our Blank House for 7 nights while their baby girl received care in the NICU at Blank Children's Hospital for pneumonia.
Mom said, "I was in labor for 3 days and when she finally decided to make her arrival she came really fast which caused her to have pneumonia, and she was born at 37 weeks. She was placed on 80% oxygen when we got there, and left without needing oxygen."
Kentlie shared with us that she is a stay at home mom, and her husband took off 2 weeks from work to be here with them. They were so grateful that they didn't both have to sleep on the couch in the room, and also the financial burden it saved them from while Roy was off work.
We are so happy for them to be home as a family!